CDC Updates Rules for Bringing Dogs Into the U.S.

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced new rules for pet owners who plan to fly with their dogs. These changes aim to simplify the process for travelers arriving in the United States from countries considered “dog rabies-free” or low-risk. The new regulations apply to individuals entering the country via land, air, or cruise ships.

Starting August 1st, 2024, pet owners entering the United States are required to complete a CDC Dog Import Form upon arrival. This form can be filled out on the travel date, but the CDC recommends completing it ahead of time, several days or up to six months before travel, if coming from a dog rabies-free or low-risk country.

The completed form remains valid for six months and can be used multiple times for entry into the U.S. as long as the dog has not been in a country with a high rabies risk. The form is free to fill out, but each pet requires its own form. To determine if a country is dog rabies-free or low-risk, consult the CDC website, which lists countries with high dog rabies risk.

Those traveling from countries with a high risk of rabies must complete both the CDC Dog Import Form and provide either a certification of a U.S.-issued rabies vaccination form or a USDA-endorsed export health certificate.

All pets arriving from any country must appear healthy upon arrival in the U.S., be at least six months old, and have a microchip implanted before receiving a rabies vaccine.

Previously, [Previous rules or regulations related to dogs entering the U.S. from low or no-risk rabies countries are missing. It appears to be a placeholder.] for dogs traveling into the U.S. from countries with low or no risk of rabies.

The United States has been [Another placeholder, likely referring to the status of rabies in the U.S.] since 2007. The World Health Organization estimates that rabies kills approximately 59,000 people annually across more than 150 countries, with almost all cases resulting from the bite of an infected dog.